Programmatically change order status to accepted

If  you  wish  to  change  an  Order Status  to  ” Payment  Accepted ”   you can use  this  code:     $id_order=Tools::getValue(‘id_order’); $order=new Order($id_order); /* here we validate the order*/ $history = new OrderHistory(); $history->id_order = (int)$order->id; $history->changeIdOrderState(2, (int)($order->id)); //order status=2… Read More

Show product tags in product details page

You are under prestashop 1.7.x and you are looking to display the tags in the “Options” tab on your product page. Here is the code you need:   {assign var=tags value=Tag::getProductTags($product->id)} {assign var=id_lang value=Context::getContext()->language->id} {assign var=product_tags value=$tags[$id_lang] } <ul> {foreach… Read More

How to configure the Tracking Front module for 1.7

As  you  should  notice the  tracking  front  module don’t require  any  configurations from the module’s configuration page. But  in order  the trackingfront  module  work  you should  add data  to it. By  data  of course  I mean  your   affiliates  data. Go … Read More