You are ready to go ! Just go to the file:
After the closing div that contains the category name and place this line of code:
{hook h=’categoryListing’}
You will need to hide the default listing:
Go to themes/classic/templates/catalog/listing/product-list.tpl
Open the file : product-list.tpl
Find the line 51 where you have {include file=’catalog/_partials/products.tpl’ listing=$listing}
Comment that code this way : {*include file=’catalog/_partials/products.tpl’ listing=$listing*}
Now we need to deal with the product sorting in the same file product-list.tpl in the line 39, comment this code:
{include file=’catalog/_partials/products-top.tpl’ listing=$listing}
this way : {*include file=’catalog/_partials/products-top.tpl’ listing=$listing*}If you need to show the sorting place this code:

{include file=’catalog/_partials/products-top.tpl’  listing=$listing}
in top of the code {hook h=’categoryListing’} in the file :


Now we need  just  to add a condition  for those who want to show this for  a specific  category.

If  you want to this module  only for  a specific category of  id=5   add this  condition:

{$if  $page_name==’category’  &&   $category->id==5}

{*include file=’catalog/_partials/products.tpl’ listing=$listing*}


{include file=’catalog/_partials/products.tpl’ listing=$listing}


We  comment  only  if the current category has an  id equals to  5  .

NS SubCategory Listing

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