FatalErrorException in AdminController.php line 2755: Error: Call to a member function trans() on null

The latest version of Prestashop 1.7 brings many changes (I would probably come back to this in a future article), especially in the management of translations in the administration.

It is now based on Symfony, while still retaining (theoretical) backward compatibility with the old system.
The last recommendations (to date) of the Prestashop team were to keep the old translation system for the modules.

As part of the adaptation of one of my modules, however, I faced the following problem, unable to access my controller Admin, and display the following beautiful error page:

FatalErrorException in AdminController.php line 2755: Error: Call to a member function trans() on null
FatalErrorException in AdminController.php line 2755: Error: Call to a member function trans() on null
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