To create a quotation app in Flutter, you can follow these basic steps:

  1. Create a new Flutter project and add necessary dependencies, such as the http package to fetch quotes from an API.

  2. Design the user interface of the app, which can include a home screen that displays a random quote, a list screen that shows all quotes, and a detail screen that shows the details of a specific quote.

  3. Define a model class to represent a quote, including properties such as the quote text, author, and category.

  4. Create a service class to fetch quotes from an API and parse them into the quote model class.

  5. Implement the home screen, which displays a random quote fetched from the API, and allows the user to refresh the quote or navigate to the list screen.

  6. Implement the list screen, which displays a list of all quotes fetched from the API, and allows the user to navigate to the detail screen.

  7. Implement the detail screen, which shows the details of a specific quote, including the quote text, author, and category.

  8. Add any additional features or functionality, such as the ability to filter quotes by category, save favorite quotes, or share quotes on social media.

Overall, the steps involved in creating a quotation app in Flutter may vary depending on the specific requirements and design of the app, but these basic steps can serve as a starting point for building a functional and user-friendly  quotation App.

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