If   you  want  hide  the  product  price  go  the  template  product.tpl  located  in themes/classic/templates/catalog/product.tpl

And  find  the  block  name  product_prices :

{block name=’product_prices’}
{include file=’catalog/_partials/product-prices.tpl’}

And  add  an  if  condition  that  block  this  way :

{block name=’product_prices’}

{if  $product.price==0}

{l s=’Get  it  for Free ‘ d=’Shop.Theme.Catalog’}

{include file=’catalog/_partials/product-prices.tpl’}



If  you  want  to  apply  the  condition  only  to  the virtual products  add the  is_virtual   condition.

{block name=’product_prices’}

{if  $product.is_virtual && $product.price==0}

{l s=’Free   Download  ‘ d=’Shop.Theme.Catalog’}

{include file=’catalog/_partials/product-prices.tpl’}


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