Flutter has been gaining popularity among developers for its fast development cycle and cross-platform compatibility. Here are some of the top 10 apps that have been built using Flutter:

  1. Alibaba: Alibaba is a popular eCommerce platform in China, and they built their app using Flutter to provide a smooth and reliable user experience.

  2. Reflectly: Reflectly is a popular journaling app that helps users practice mindfulness and gratitude. It was built using Flutter to provide a visually appealing and responsive user interface.

  3. Hamilton: Hamilton is a popular musical that has its own app built using Flutter, featuring a quiz game, karaoke mode, and other interactive content.

  4. Xianyu: Xianyu is a second-hand trading platform in China, and they built their app using Flutter to provide a responsive and engaging user experience.

  5. Google Ads: Google built their Ads app using Flutter, which provides an intuitive user interface and access to real-time ad performance data.

  6. Hookle: Hookle is a social media app for small business owners, and it was built using Flutter to provide a seamless and responsive user experience.

  7. Groupon: Groupon built their mobile app using Flutter, which features a clean and modern user interface and allows users to easily search for deals and discounts.

  8. Birch Finance: Birch Finance is a personal finance app that helps users manage their credit card rewards. It was built using Flutter to provide a visually appealing and user-friendly interface.

  9. Coach Yourself: Coach Yourself is a mental health app that provides users with tools and resources to manage their anxiety and stress. It was built using Flutter to provide a responsive and visually appealing user interface.

  10. KlasterMe: KlasterMe is a social networking app that allows users to connect with others who share their interests. It was built using Flutter to provide a smooth and engaging user experience.

These are just a few examples of the many apps that have been built using Flutter, demonstrating its versatility and potential for creating high-quality mobile apps.

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